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Tallman Run


About Tallman Run

Tallman Run is a very interesting running game where you can both enjoy the exciting game space and exercise your brain. What is your winning confidence level?

Tallman Run lets you run on a platform elevated above the sky and enlarge yourself to battle a huge enemy. Reach the finish line, run the final course, and grab every diamond you can with the boosters to grow taller and broader. Let's find out more about this fascinating race!

Your height matters more in this race than your speed! It's great to consume milk and get eight hours of sleep, but have you ever considered using height-enhancing portals? This is how one advances in this area. In order to build up your muscles, you must pass through the green portals while dodging explosives and traps.

How to play

Use trampolines to leap over obstacles, slip through red portals, and reach the score multiplier without losing all of your height or muscle. As soon as you arrive, you will be evaluated and begin to lose height and weight with each step. If you are unable to reach the boss, you still complete the level, but if you do, you may kill him with a fatal strike to the face and end up on a lovely diamond bounty! You may even add to that last find by watching a brief advertisement that will double your gems by five!

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