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Gravity Ball Challenge


About Gravity Ball Challenge

Gravity Ball Challenge is a tough 2D physics puzzle game where the player controls a bouncy ball with the super ability to manipulate gravity. The objective is to navigate through perilous levels of traps, barriers, and pitfalls to reach the hoop at the end. Players must switch on and off gravity at the right time to prevent deadly spikes, avoid moving platforms, and glide through walls. Every level introduces a new batch of puzzles that test reflexes and problem-solving abilities. Gravity Ball Challenge is an adrenaline-filled and thrilling experience for puzzle enthusiasts.

How to Play Gravity Ball Challenge Game

  • Guide the ball to all levels and try to reach the hoop.
  • Change gravity to move and overcome obstacles.
  • Wait for the right time to swing through spikes and traps.
  • Create puzzles at every level.
  • Adapt to changing platforms and other hazards.


Tap (or Click): Turn gravity on and off.

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