43 votes 3.5/5

Blumgi Ball


About Blumgi Ball

Blumgi Ball is a sports game that perfectly combines platforming and fun puzzles. You must try to score goals to overcome challenges and discover new puzzles.

Platform and puzzle elements are combined in the enjoyable sports game Blumgi Ball. Just as in traditional basketball, your goal is to put the ball through the hoop. You do this utilizing a slingshot mechanism, where you pull the indicator to correspond with the force you wish to toss the ball with before releasing it. There's a twist, though! You have the superpower of teleporting right next to your ball in Blumgi Ball. This provides you with a plethora of opportunities for creating chain combinations and dunks with elegance. You receive points for each level you complete successfully, and as you accumulate points, you may unlock awesome new characters.

How to play

  • Utilizing a slingshot method, you may toss the ball over the net by pulling the indicator to the desired intensity before releasing it to throw.
  • Click, drag, and release with the left mouse to aim and shoot the Space bar to teleport to the ball.
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