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Block the Pig


About Block the Pig

Block the Pig is a fun puzzle game where you have to trap pigs with hexagonal bricks. Find a way to trap the pig as quickly as possible. Discover it now.

In the independent puzzle game Block the Pig you must completely block the cunning pig. You will need to lay stone blocks in a hexagonal maze to obstruct the escape attempt of the pig. Following the first three blocks are placed, add another block after each move made by the pig. Plan beforehand since winning the game gets harder and harder as the rounds go on.


  • Try to block the first three exits the pig will undoubtedly use.
  • Placing your stones in the midst of the existing stones will at least lengthen the pig's path if the present stones are too dispersed and leave too much free space between them. To later stop them, try to build "corridors" that are only one stone wide (depending on where the pig decides to move)
  • Predefined stones are important since sometimes the work is straightforward and you can only stop the pig with those three more movements. The task might occasionally feel difficult (unfortunately, you go right back to the beginning after the failed level).

How to play

  • To position a block click on the tiles.
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